The deadline for submitting abstracts for oral presentastions has now passed. Abstracts for posters can be submitted until June 1st.

The scientific committee is now reviewing the abstracts, and will give feedback at April 5th.

Call for abstracts

We hereby invite all potential participants to submit an abstract to be evaluated by the scientific committee. The committee will select the titles to be presented as oral presentations and as posters.

The abstract must be sent via e-mail to, using this template. Please write “Abstract” in the subject field of the email. It should be indicted whether the author prefers an oral presentation or a poster. It should also be indicated whether the abstract is meant for the PhD Project session (see special call for PhD session below).

Accepted abstracts will be published together with the final program at the conference web-site before the conference. There will be no printed copy of abstracts distributed at the conference.

Call for PhD contributions

We will arrange a separate session dedicated to PhD projects. The underlying idea is to give PhD students an opportunity for feedback on their work in progress and for other participants to get an update on various PhD projects conducted among the participants. The presentations should be different from standard oral conference presentations in the sense that we would like the candidate to focus more on the scope of the whole project and on scientific challenges to be solved. In other words, these presentations are not supposed to focus only on final results, but also on the more general aspects of the whole PhD project.

The same rules and template can be used for these presentations as for other abstracts (See above). Please indicate in the abstract email that the abstract is meant for the PhD session.

Template for posters

The size of posters must not exceed 90 x 130 cm (width x height). No other restrictions apply.

Tapes, needles etc. to be used for hanging up the posters will be provided by the organisers.